Arina Kokoreva (aka MYNAH FM) is a visual artist collaborating with musicians, filmmakers, publishers and various organisations as well as other artists all over the world. Her practice is mostly focused on animation, album artwork and poster design, yet she is in constant search for new mediums to try, so you can also spot her work in books, comics, zines and on the streets. Taking inspiration both from surroundings and introspection, her visual language often uses psychedelic, surreal and abstract elements, while incorporating experimental narratives invoking the connection between all sorts of scientific and mystical subjects she’s interested in. In order to unify all of her curiosities in one place, she created MYNAH FM — an illustration, animation and graphic design studio by day and a metaphysical radio station by night. In after-hours she makes mixtapes, short films, alternative movie posters and book covers, experiments with sounds and mixed-media imagery.