M2 Pre-Workout
M2 Pre Workout
M2 by Mind Muscle Nutrition is the pre workout you want if you came here for the euphoria and buzz. STOP right there and look no further. M2 is the SH*T!
M2 Pre Workout Highlights
- Uplifting Mood Elevation & Euphoria
- Clean, Consistent, hard hitting Energy
- Post workout buzz
- Stim Junkie Approved
- Great Flavors
- 5mg Alpha Yohimbine
- 200mg Caffeine
Supplement Facts
- 6g Citrulline Malate
Potent vasodilator allowing for more blood flow to the muscle, enhances your pump, increases endurance, and help aid in building lean muscle tissue.
- 4g Beta-Alanine
Most Pre-Workouts dose this at 3.2g we went ahead and are giving you 4g because we all know we like the tingly sensation when we are riding up to the gym. Beta Alanine acts as a buffer for lactic acid, allowing you to perform more reps than you normally would, hence better gains in the gym all around.
- 2g L-TaurineÂ
Powerful anti-oxidant that allows you to push through those grueling workouts. Increase aerobic exercise performance, keeping you pushing forward.
- 1.5g L-Tyrosine
Tunnel Vision Focus, most pre-workouts put N-Acetly-L-Tyrosine, studies have found that L-Tyrosine by itself increases tyrosine levels in the blood 200% more. We got you covered so you can zone in on your workouts.
- 1g Sodium Nitrates
Solid ingredient for pumps.
- 500mg Choline Bitartrate
formation of the critical neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is an important chemical for nerve signals, including those that signal muscles to contract. By providing your nervous system with more acetycholine, you can produce stronger muscle contractions. It can also help to enhance cognitive function, boost memory and increase mental focus during workout.
- 250mg Eria Jarensis Extract
This provides mood boosting effects due to its ability increases levels of Dopamine and Noradrenaline the body
- 200mg L-Norvaline
Aids in maintaining the pumps
- 150mg Caffeine Anhydrous
Standard energy boost, anhydrous is a faster acting form of caffeine, dont be fooled when you see this, Eria and 2-AminoIsoheptane in combination will have you pumping iron for hours.Â
- 100mg Juglans Regia Extract
Great stimulant, great focus and nootropic, to keep you zoned in during your workout.
- 50mg Caffeine Citrate
Sustained form of caffeine that takes a little bit to kick in, also will help with breathing and oxidation of blood to muscles. Â
- 50mg Synephrine
Muscle uptake of glucose. Synephrine can stimulate glucose uptake by skeletal muscle. This function has potential in a couple areas. First, it helps you lose fat by removing excess glucose from the bloodstream and second, it provides muscles with glucose that can be used efficiently for energy. More intramuscular glucose could lead to greater muscle volume and strength.
- 5mg Alpha Yohimbine
Where to start with this one, enhances mood, increase caloric expenditure (i.e burn more calories), stay heated during your workout, increase strength output