Deca-Durabolin Anabolic
Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Deca-Durabolin
Deca Durabolin is a muscle builder that utilizes a Nandrolone precursor from Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals.
Nandrolone has a high rate of conversion from 19-NorAndrot to target the hormone Nandrolone, which is proported to be better at building muscle an increasing strength than testosterone.
Hi Tech claims that through this process, there may not be any aromatization to estrogen and no conversion to DHT.
Because of this unique pathway, this can be stacked with other prohormones from Hi Tech.
Deca-Durabolin Highlights
- May Increase Strength
- May Increase Muscle Mass
- Minimal Conversion Of DHT or Estrogen
- Great For Stacking With Another Anabolic
Deca-Durabolin Ingredient List Highlights
- 19-NorAndrot-4-ene-3b-ol
- 17-one Decanoate