Proven Diuretic
Gaspari Nutrition Proven Diuretic
The leaner and more toned you get, the more you will notice water weight gain. People who blissfully walk around 20 – 30 pounds overweight would never notice and extra pound or two of water. But you see it, especially in your “problem areas.” Diuretic drugs are very harsh on your kidneys and have a rebound effect – where you gain back more water than you lost after the drug’s effect wears off.
To safely and effectively rid your physique of excess water, Gaspari Nutrition now offers Proven All-Natural Diuretic. A potent blend of natural herbal diuretics with an electrolyte balancing formula to help prevent cramping. With proven All-Natural Diuretic, you can “dry out” and sharpen your physique, without the worry of muscle cramps.
Gaspari Proven Diuretic Highlights
Helps achieve that “dry look”
May Help Prevent Cramping!
Includes Natural Ingredients