Myoblox Mania Testosterone Booster
When formulating Maniaâ„¢ 2.0, the objective was clear that this formula needed to be nothing short of superior. We have utilized the freshest quality materials in their respected amounts to support gains in multiple facets, from boosting testosterone to increasing your strength in the gym. Equipped with proven ingredients that have been shown to support muscle gains, we are confident that you will love this new upgraded Mania! EMPOWER YOURSELFâ„¢
RHODIOLA EXTRACT: Rhodiola Rosea has been shown to shorten recovery time after prolonged workouts, to increase attention span, memory, strength, and most notably to increase VO2 max. Rhodiola Rosea extract increases the level of enzymes, RNA, and proteins important to muscle recovery after exhaustive exercise. It also stimulates muscle energy status; glycogen synthesis in muscles and liver; muscle protein synthesis and anabolic activity.â€
BULBINE NATALENSIS: Primarily found in South Africa, Bulbine has been used for its powerful effects in many performance regards from strength gains to sexual stamina. Most users who have supplemented with Bulbine have experienced increased physical energy and strength endurance when taken before workouts.â€
EURYCOMA LONGILFOLIA (10:1): An herb, which has been used for its physical performance benefits, has also been shown to support cortisol reduction! Demonstrating profound aphrodisiac effects via an analog found in Eurycoma called 9-hydroxycanthin-6-one, Eurycoma possesses effects delaying ejaculation as well as pro-erectile properties.â€
ASTRAGIN®: A clinically validated food-ingredient proven to increase nutrient absorption regulating genes by raising their mRNA and transporter proteins to maximize the absorption of many nutrients such vitamins, amino acids and increase ATP by 18% to support gains in strength and performance.â€
BORON CITRATE: There is nothing boring about Boron! This powerhouse mineral has been shown to boost free testosterone, which can contribute to strength and muscle gains while inhibiting SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) which is a protein found in blood that can bind to sex hormones and inhibit them, so luckily for you this can contribute to prevent this! Boron may also support bone density levels and joint health.â€