ThermoGEN Fat Burner
Morphogen Nutrition ThermoGEN
ThermoGEN by Morphogen Nutrition is a powder fat burner powered by stimulants and ingredients meant to increase thermogenesis and liposis.
ThermoGEN Supp Facts
L-Tyrosine is a nonessential amino acid that is used to make the catecholamine neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine (adrenaline).
Acts as an anti-stress compound for acute stressors such as strenuous exercise.
While L-tyrosine is less water soluble than other forms of tyrosine (N-acetyl tyrosine, for example), it is more bioavailable in the body and thus raises plasma tyrosine levels up to 10x more than other forms of tyrosine.
Tyrosine is commonly dosed between 500-2,000mg up to 60 minutes prior to activity.
THERMOGEN contains a research supported dose of 2,000mg L-Tyrosine per serving.
Choline Bitartrate
Choline Bitartrate contains approximately 40% choline by weight, with choline turning into acetylcholine (the learning neurotransmitter).
Increases methylation to the same degree as trimethylglycine (TMG), having a positive impact on the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification systems.
Without adequate methylation a number of important molecules cannot be efficiently produced, including serotonin, norepinephrine and epinephrine, and nitric oxide.
Choline bitartrate is also shown to reduce fatty liver buildup, increasing the transport of triglycerides into the blood and to peripheral tissues from the liver (such as skeletal muscle) to be oxidized as a fuel source.
THERMOGEN contains a research supported dose of 2,000mg Choline Bitartrate per serving.
Yerba Mate
Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is traditionally consumed as a tea (similar to green tea) and is a good source of caffeine as well as other bioactive compounds like quercitin, ursolic acid, and chlorogenic acid which show promise in weight management.
Evidence suggests that in higher doses, yerba mate has appetite suppressing effects and positive effects on metabolism and fat loss.
Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties
Reduces LDL cholesterol and protects the heart and cardiovascular system.
THERMOGEN contains a research supported dose of 1,500mg Yerba Mate per serving.
Acetyl L-Carnitine
Acetyl L-Carnitine is a carnitine molecule bound to an acetyl group that provides more neurological benefits compared to other versions of carnitine (such as L-carnitine) because it crosses the blood-brain barrier and increases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain.
Reduces mental fatigue, protects the brain, and fights a decline in mitochondrial number and function, thereby increasing energy production.
Increases nitric oxide (NO) production leading to greater blood flow and “pump” during exercise as well as increased oxygenation of muscle tissue.
THERMOGEN contains a research supported dose of 1,000mg Acetyl L-Carnitine per serving.
English Ivy
- English Ivy has been used for centuries as an herby remedy for upper respiratory conditions.
- Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects aside, it has some interesting benefits with regards to breathing capacity.
- Contains compounds that activate beta2-adrenergic receptors (similar to compounds such as Ephedrine and Synephrine), releasing epinephrine.
- Beta2-adrenergic activation causes the liberation of fatty acids from adipose tissue, allowing them to be burned as fuel during activity such as aerobic exercise.
- Acts as a bronchodilator, opening the structures in the lungs and allowing for increased air flow.
- THERMOGEN contains 300mg English Ivy extract per serving.
- Infinergy® di-caffeine malate typically has fewer gastric side effects compared to other forms of caffeine, which might be beneficial in a fasted environment.
- Caffeine has been widely studied for safety and efficacy. Caution should always be used and dosing should be slowly increased over time as needed for desired effects.
- Dosing should be approximately 100-200mg for fat-burning.
- THERMOGEN contains 275mg Infinergy® (approx. 200mg active caffeine) per serving.
Bitter Orange
Increases metabolic rate and fat-burning and shows synergism with caffeine.
50mg synephrine when taken by healthy subjects at rest has been shown to increase caloric expenditure by 65kcal with no significant influence blood pressure or heart rate.
THERMOGEN contains a research supported dose of 100mg Advantra Z® (50% synephrine) per serving.
Gamma-Butyrobetaine (GBB)
Sometimes called “Super Carnitine”, Gamma-Butyrobetaine Ethyl Ester HCl (GBB) is the molecule that your body converts into L-Carnitine when naturally producing its own carnitine.
While oral L-Carnitine supplementation is largely ineffective at raising plasma L-Carnitine levels, studies show that its supplementation of GBB can increase the body’s plasma L-Carnitine levels by nearly double.
Safety studies even include infants, and GBB is theorized to be safer than carnitine supplements because there’s no chance of it turning into toxic D-Carnitine, which could potentially be in some carnitine supplements.
THERMOGEN contains a research supported dose of 50mg GBB per serving.
Rauwolscine (also known as alpha-yohimbine) is very similar to yohimbine (the active compound in yohimbe bark). It acts as an alpha adrenergic antagonist (shuts of the alpha receptors) and thus aids in fat burning.
Stubborn fat stores (hips, thighs, abdomen) are alpha receptor dense, and shutting them off helps facilitate increased fat-burning in those areas.
Shows some promise in being more effective than yohimbine due to higher potency on the same receptor as well as less side effects such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, and anxiety. It also shares the same aphrodisiac and mood-elevating effects as yohimbine.
THERMOGEN contains a dose of 2.5mg Alpha-Yohimbine per serving.